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Recruitment made agile & trackable

Make your hiring process progress-based and efficient with Auzmor Hire’s comprehensive reporting abilities.


A bird’s eye view of hiring components centric to candidates.

Candidate mapping by delving into subjective aspects of their profiles.

Define candidate sourcing channels that work for you.

Associate ranks with candidates to optimize your pipeline.

Add good candidates that you don’t hire immediately to your talent pool for similar openings.


Gain easy insight into open and filled requisitions to
optimize your postings effectively.


Identify time-to-hire for your recruitment cycle

Remove bottlenecks

Rethink methods for bottlenecks in your recruitment funnel

Acceptance rates

Check on acceptance rates to optimize your recruitment process

Job posts

Rework job postings based on various recruitment metrics


Identify time-to-hire for your recruitment cycle

Remove bottlenecks

Rethink methods for bottlenecks in your recruitment funnel

Job posts

Rework job postings based on various recruitment metrics

Acceptance rates

Check on acceptance rates to optimize your recruitment process


Make your hiring process agile and efficient by identifying and
removing pesky bottlenecks.

Detailed insight into hiring activity and recruiter performance

Objective assessment of hiring progress

Ensure uninterrupted workflows

Understand hiring trends within your organization

Detailed insight into hiring activity and recruiter performance
Understand hiring trends within your organization
Objective assessment of hiring progress
Ensure uninterrupted workflows
Find the right candidates to fill your pipeline by parsing through resumes.


The reporting feature helps you capture the progress on all fronts. You can determine key progressors or hindrances and make necessary adjustments to your hiring process.

Yes, Auzmor Hire offers a comprehensive reporting structure that can be customized per your requirements.

Yes, Auzmor Hire can help you understand the hiring trends in your organization and offer detailed insights into recruiter performance.

No, we offer free demonstrations for all our products. Click here to book a demo for Auzmor Hire.

Yes, you can opt for a free 7-day trial with Auzmor Hire. Click here to start your free trial.

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