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Experience an integrated &
seamless recruitment process

Auzmor Hire offers all essential integrations for a cohesive recruitment experience.

Email integration

Integrate your email to build a unified communication channel.

Get critical information straight in your inbox

Easily collaborate with team members to navigate candidate pipeline

Email integration to facilitate seamless communication

Bulk-send emails to all prospects with ease

Get critical information straight in your inbox
Bulk-send emails to all prospects with ease
Email integration to facilitate seamless communication
Easily collaborate with team members to navigate candidate pipeline

Calendar integration

Efficiently manage your schedule by integrating your calendar with Auzmor Hire.

Real-time scheduling

Real-time scheduling with integration options for all major calendars.

Better candidate experience

Improve candidate experience by offering seamless scheduling options.

Easy rescheduling

Editable appointments for convenient rescheduling.


Job boards

Save time by automating your hiring process

Reduce cost of hiring by eliminating the need to pay for each job board

Track applications from across the board in a single platform

Instantly post to over 20,000+ job boards

Save time by automating your hiring process
Instantly post to over 20,000+ job boards
Track applications from across the board in a single platform
Reduce cost of hiring by eliminating the need to pay for each job board

Conference tools

Schedule interviews and appointments in a few simple clicks.

Multi-task with ease

Perform multiple tasks without leaving out your business communication channels.

Automate appointments

No need to manually set up interviews or appointments.

Reduce time-to-hire

Shorten time-to-hire by reducing manual tasks in your recruitment process.

Improve candidate experience

Improve candidate engagement by offering a seamless recruitment experience.


Yes, you can easily integrate your email with Auzmor Hire.

Yes, you can set up interviews with Auzmor Hire and even schedule them on your calendars.

Our ATS helps you post jobs to over 20,000 job boards instantly.

Yes, we offer a 7-day free trial along with a demonstration.

Yes. Auzmor has SSO for team members to easily login via LDAP, AZURE AD, OKTA, GSuite, and SAML.

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